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add(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
Get a child from its path.
add(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
add(int, String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
add(String, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
add(int, String, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.Configuration
Sets the default value of the given path as provided.
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Sets the default value in the root at the given path as provided.
addDefault(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Sets the default value of this path.
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Sets the default value of the provided child path.
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
addDefault(String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
addDefaults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.Configuration
Sets the default values of the given paths as provided.
addDefaults(Configuration) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.Configuration
Sets the default values of the given paths as provided.
addDefaults(Map<String, Object>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
addDefaults(Configuration) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
afterNewLine(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
allElementsOfType(Collection<?>, Class<?>, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate an argument, throwing IllegalArgumentException if the argument collection is null or has elements that are not of type clazz or a subclass.
allElementsOfType(Collection<?>, Class<?>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate an argument, throwing IllegalArgumentException if the argument collection is null or has elements that are not of type clazz or a subclass.
allLinesArePrefixed(String, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
allLinesArePrefixedOrBlank(String, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
apply(ConfigurationWrapper.ApplyToPath) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
apply(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper.ApplyToPath
applyToChild(ConfigurationWrapper.ApplyToPath, String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
await() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Consume the queue, blocking and awaiting a new line if the queue is empty.


BLANK_LINE - Static variable in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
buildHeader() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Compiles the header for this FileConfiguration and returns the result.


ceil(double) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
charset() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
charset(Charset) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
checkList() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
childPath(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
children() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
children - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
children() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
clear() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
clearIf(Predicate<KeyTree.Node>, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
clearIf(Predicate<KeyTree.Node>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
clearNode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
close() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Called after dumping all the values.
comment - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Commentable - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments
CommentFormatter - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format
Converts a comment between a raw-format meant to be read by computers to a human-format meant to be read by humans and vice versa.
CommentFormatterConfiguration - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format
CommentFormatterConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
CommentType - Enum in org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments
Configuration - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration
Represents a source of configurable options and settings
configuration() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Returns the Configuration that this object is responsible for.
configuration - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
configuration() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
configuration() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfigurationOptions
ConfigurationOptions - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a Configuration
ConfigurationOptions(Configuration) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
ConfigurationSection - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration
Represents a section of a Configuration
ConfigurationSerializable - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization
Represents an object that may be serialized.
ConfigurationSerialization - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization
Utility class for storing and retrieving classes for Configuration.
ConfigurationSerialization(Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
ConfigurationWrapper<T extends Configuration> - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration
ConfigurationWrapper(T, String, ConfigurationWrapper<T>) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
ConfigurationWrapper(T, String) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
ConfigurationWrapper.ApplyToPath - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration
ConfigurationWrapper.SetToPath - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration
contains(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if this ConfigurationSection contains the given path.
contains(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
convertMapsToSections(Map<?, ?>, ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.SectionUtils
copyDefaults() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Checks if the Configuration should copy values from its default Configuration directly.
copyDefaults(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Sets if the Configuration should copy values from its default Configuration directly.
copyDefaults(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
copyDefaults(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfigurationOptions
copyHeader() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
Gets whether or not the header should be copied from a default source.
copyHeader(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
Sets whether or not the header should be copied from a default source.
createNode(KeyTree.Node, int, String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
createPath(ConfigurationSection, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
Creates a full path to the given ConfigurationSection from its root Configuration.
createPath(ConfigurationSection, String, ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
Creates a relative path to the given ConfigurationSection from the given relative section.
createSection(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Creates an empty ConfigurationSection at the specified path.
createSection(String, Map<?, ?>) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Creates a ConfigurationSection at the specified path, with specified values.
createSection() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Creates an empty ConfigurationSection at this path.
createSection(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Creates an empty ConfigurationSection at the provided child path.
createSection(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
createSection(String, Map<?, ?>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection


defaults - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
DelegateDeserialization - Annotation Type in org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization
Applies to a ConfigurationSerializable that will delegate all deserialization to another ConfigurationSerializable.
deserialize(Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
deserializeObject(Map<String, ?>, Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Attempts to deserialize the given arguments into a new instance of the given class.
deserializeObject(Map<String, ?>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Attempts to deserialize the given arguments into a new instance of the given class.
deserializeViaCtor(Constructor<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
deserializeViaMethod(Method, Map<String, ?>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
dump(String, CommentType, KeyTree.Node) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
Given a comment returns the raw-formatted string to be dumped somewhere like a file.
dump(String, CommentType) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
dump(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
dump() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Dump source values into this writer in a background thread.
dump(Writer) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus.Dumper
DumperBus - Class in org.simpleyaml.utils
Every line written to this writer will be enqueued on flush with a fixed capacity.
DumperBus(DumperBus.Dumper, int) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
DumperBus(DumperBus.Dumper) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
DumperBus.Dumper - Interface in org.simpleyaml.utils
Source for dumping values to this writer.


elementIndex - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
entries() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
entries() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
equals(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
equals(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
equals(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
equals(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
escape(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
ESCAPE_CHAR - Static variable in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils


FileConfiguration - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration.file
This is a base class for all File based implementations of Configuration
FileConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Creates an empty FileConfiguration with no default values.
FileConfiguration(Configuration) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Creates an empty FileConfiguration using the specified Configuration as a source for all default values.
FileConfigurationOptions - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration.file
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a FileConfiguration
FileConfigurationOptions(MemoryConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
findParent(int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
Get the last node that can be a parent of a child with the indent provided.
findParent(KeyTree.Node, int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
firstSeparatorIndex(String, char, int) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
firstSeparatorIndex(String, char) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
floor(double) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
flush() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Append the current characters to the queue as a new line and reset the current line buffer.
format(int, String, String, String, CommentType, String, String) - Static method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
format(String, String, String, String, String) - Static method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
format(int, String, CommentType, CommentFormatterConfiguration) - Static method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter


get(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
Get a child from its path.
get(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Get a child from its path, or optionally add a new one if it is not created.
get(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Get a child from its path.
get(int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Get a child from its index.
get(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested Object by path.
get(String, Object) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested Object by path, returning a default value if not found.
get(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
get(String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
get() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.utils.SupplierIO
getAlias(Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Gets the correct alias for the given ConfigurationSerializable class
getBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested boolean by path.
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested boolean by path, returning a default value if not found.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getBoolean(String, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getBooleanList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Boolean by path.
getBooleanList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getByteList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Byte by path.
getByteList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getCharacterList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Character by path.
getCharacterList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getClassByAlias(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Attempts to get a registered ConfigurationSerializable class by its alias
getComment(String, CommentType) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.Commentable
Retrieve the comment of the section or value selected by path.
getComment(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.Commentable
Retrieve the block comment of the section or value selected by path.
getComment() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getConfigurationSection(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested ConfigurationSection by path.
getConfigurationSection(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getConstructor() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
getCurrentPath() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the path of this ConfigurationSection from its root Configuration For any Configuration themselves, this will return an empty string.
getCurrentPath() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Gets the current path.
getCurrentPath() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getDefault(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getDefaults() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.Configuration
Gets the source Configuration for this configuration.
getDefaults() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
getDefaultSection() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the equivalent ConfigurationSection from the default Configuration defined in ConfigurationSection.getRoot().
getDefaultSection() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getDouble(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested double by path.
getDouble(String, double) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested double by path, returning a default value if not found.
getDouble(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getDouble(String, double) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getDoubleList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Double by path.
getDoubleList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getElement(int, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Get a child list element from its index, or optionally add a new one if it is not created.
getElement(int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Get a child list element from its index.
getElementIndex() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getFirst() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getFloatList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Float by path.
getFloatList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getIndentation() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getInt(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested int by path.
getInt(String, int) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested int by path, returning a default value if not found.
getInt(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getInt(String, int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getIntegerList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Integer by path.
getIntegerList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getKeys(boolean) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets a set containing all keys in this section.
getKeys(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getLast() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List by path.
getList(String, List<?>) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List by path, returning a default value if not found.
getList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getList(String, List<?>) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getListSize() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getLong(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested long by path.
getLong(String, long) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested long by path, returning a default value if not found.
getLong(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getLong(String, long) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getLongList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Long by path.
getLongList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getMapList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Maps by path.
getMapList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getMapValues(boolean) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets a Map containing all keys and their values for this section.
getMapValues(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getMethod(String, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
getName() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getName() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the name of this individual ConfigurationSection, in the path.
getName() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getOrAdd(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
Get a child from its path.
getParent() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getParent() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the parent ConfigurationSection that directly contains this ConfigurationSection.
getParent() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
getParent() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getPath() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getPathWithName() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getPriority(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
Get a child from its path.
getPriority(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
Get a child from its path.
getRoot() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
Get the root node.
getRoot() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the root Configuration that contains this ConfigurationSection For any Configuration themselves, this will return its own object.
getRoot() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getShortList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of Short by path.
getShortList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getSideComment() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getString(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested String by path.
getString(String, String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested String by path, returning a default value if not found.
getString(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getString(String, String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getStringList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the requested List of String by path.
getStringList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
getValue() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
getValues(boolean) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets a Map containing all keys and their values for this section.
getValues(boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection


hasChildren() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
hashCode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
hashCode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
hashCode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
hashCode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
header() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
Gets the header that will be applied to the top of the saved output.
header(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
Sets the header that will be applied to the top of the saved output.
headerFormatter() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
Gets the header format used for parsing and dumping the header.
headerFormatter(CommentFormatter) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
Sets the header format used for parsing and dumping the header.


indent - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
indent() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Gets how much spaces should be used to indent each line.
indent(int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Sets how much spaces should be used to indent each line.
INDENTATION - Static variable in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
indentation(int) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
indexByElementIndex - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
indexByName - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
InvalidConfigurationException - Exception in org.simpleyaml.exceptions
Exception thrown when attempting to load an invalid Configuration
InvalidConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.simpleyaml.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationException
Creates a new instance of InvalidConfigurationException without a message or cause.
InvalidConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.simpleyaml.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationException
Constructs an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the specified message.
InvalidConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.simpleyaml.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationException
Constructs an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the specified cause.
InvalidConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.simpleyaml.exceptions.InvalidConfigurationException
Constructs an instance of InvalidConfigurationException with the specified message and cause.
isBoolean(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is a boolean.
isBoolean(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isClosed() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
isConfigurationSection(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is a ConfigurationSection.
isConfigurationSection(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isDouble(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is a double.
isDouble(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isEmpty() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets if this configuration section is empty.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isFirstNode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
isInt(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is an int.
isInt(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isList - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
isList() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
isList(int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
isList(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is a List.
isList(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isLong(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is a long.
isLong(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isPrimitiveWrapper(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isRootNode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
isSet(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if this ConfigurationSection has a value set for the given path.
isSet(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isString(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Checks if the specified path is a String.
isString(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
isTrue(boolean, String, Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the argument condition is true; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
isTrue(boolean, String, long) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the argument condition is true; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
isTrue(boolean, String, double) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the argument condition is true; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
isTrue(boolean, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the argument condition is true; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
isTrue(boolean) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the argument condition is true; otherwise throwing an exception.
isUnicode() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
iterator() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
iterator() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node


keys() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
keys() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
KeyTree - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments
KeyTree(ConfigurationOptions) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
KeyTree.Node - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments


lastSeparatorIndex(String, char, int) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
lastSeparatorIndex(String, char) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
lines(String, boolean) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
lines(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
LIST_INDEX - Static variable in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
listSize - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
load(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Loads this configuration from the specified file path.
load(File) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Loads this configuration from the specified file.
load(InputStream) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Loads this configuration from the specified stream.
load(Reader) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Loads this configuration from the specified reader.
load(Reader) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.LoadableConfiguration
Loads this configuration from the specified reader.
LoadableConfiguration - Interface in org.simpleyaml.configuration
loadFromString(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.LoadableConfiguration
Loads this configuration from the specified string.


map - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
mapChildrenKeys(Set<String>, ConfigurationSection, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
mapChildrenValues(Map<String, Object>, ConfigurationSection, boolean) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
MemoryConfiguration - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration
This is a Configuration implementation that does not save or load from any source, and stores all values in memory only.
MemoryConfiguration() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
Creates an empty MemoryConfiguration with no default values.
MemoryConfiguration(Configuration) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
Creates an empty MemoryConfiguration using the specified Configuration as a source for all default values.
MemoryConfigurationOptions - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration
Various settings for controlling the input and output of a MemoryConfiguration
MemoryConfigurationOptions(MemoryConfiguration) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfigurationOptions
MemorySection - Class in org.simpleyaml.configuration
A type of ConfigurationSection that is stored in memory.
MemorySection() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
Creates an empty MemorySection for use as a root Configuration section.
MemorySection(ConfigurationSection, String) - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
Creates an empty MemorySection with the specified parent and path.


name - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
NEW_LINE - Static variable in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
noNullElements(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument array is neither null nor contains any elements that are null; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
noNullElements(Object[]) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument array is neither null nor contains any elements that are null; otherwise throwing an exception.
noNullElements(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument collection is neither null nor contains any elements that are null; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
noNullElements(Collection<?>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument collection is neither null nor contains any elements that are null; otherwise throwing an exception.
notEmpty(Object[], String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument array is neither null nor a length of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
notEmpty(Object[]) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument array is neither null nor a length of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception.
notEmpty(Collection<?>, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument collection is neither null nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
notEmpty(Collection<?>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument collection is neither null nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception.
notEmpty(Map<?, ?>, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument map is neither null nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
notEmpty(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument map is neither null nor a size of zero (no elements); otherwise throwing an exception.
notEmpty(String, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument string is neither null nor a length of zero (no characters); otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
notEmpty(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument string is neither null nor a length of zero (no characters); otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
notNull(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument is not null; otherwise throwing an exception.
notNull(Object, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
Validate that the specified argument is not null; otherwise throwing an exception with the specified message.
NumberConversions - Class in org.simpleyaml.utils
Utils for casting number types to other number types


options - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
options() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
options() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.Configuration
options() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
options - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
options() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
org.simpleyaml.configuration - package org.simpleyaml.configuration
org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments - package org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments
org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format - package org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format
org.simpleyaml.configuration.file - package org.simpleyaml.configuration.file
org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization - package org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization
org.simpleyaml.exceptions - package org.simpleyaml.exceptions
org.simpleyaml.utils - package org.simpleyaml.utils


padding(int, char) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
parent - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
parent - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
parent() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Returns to the parent.
parse(Reader, CommentType, KeyTree.Node) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
Parse the comment from a reader that may contain a raw-formatted comment (for instance from a configuration file) to a human-friendly contentful representation of that comment.
parse(String, CommentType, KeyTree.Node) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
Parse the comment from a string that may contain a raw-formatted comment (for instance from a configuration file) to a human-friendly contentful representation of that comment.
parse(Reader, CommentType) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
parse(String, CommentType) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
parse(Reader) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
parse(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatter
path - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
path(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Get a wrapper builder for the given child path.
pathSeparator() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Gets the char that will be used to separate ConfigurationSections This value does not affect how the Configuration is stored, only in how you access the data.
pathSeparator(char) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationOptions
Sets the char that will be used to separate ConfigurationSections This value does not affect how the Configuration is stored, only in how you access the data.
pathSeparator(char) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfigurationOptions
pathSeparator(char) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfigurationOptions
prefix(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
prefix(String, String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
prefixFirst(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
prefixFirst() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
prefixMultiline(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
prefixMultiline() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
priorityIndex - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node


quoteNewLines(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils


registerClass(Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Registers the given ConfigurationSerializable class by its alias
registerClass(Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Registers the given alias to the specified ConfigurationSerializable class
remove(String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Removes the specified path if it exists.
root - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
round(double) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
runThread(DumperBus.Task) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Start a new thread executing a task.


save(File) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Saves this FileConfiguration to the specified location.
save(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
Saves this FileConfiguration to the specified location.
save(Writer) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.file.FileConfiguration
save(Writer) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.LoadableConfiguration
Saves this configuration to a writer.
saveToString() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.LoadableConfiguration
Saves this configuration to a string, and returns it.
SectionUtils - Class in org.simpleyaml.utils
SectionUtils() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.utils.SectionUtils
SerializableAs - Annotation Type in org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization
Represents an "alias" that a ConfigurationSerializable may be stored as.
serialize() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerializable
Creates a Map representation of this class.
SERIALIZED_TYPE_KEY - Static variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
set(String, Object) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Sets the specified path to the given value.
set(Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Set the given value to this path.
set(ConfigurationWrapper.SetToPath, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
set(String, T) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper.SetToPath
set(String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
setChild(String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
Set the given value to the provided child path.
setComment(String, String, CommentType) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.Commentable
Set a comment to the section or value selected by path.
setComment(String, String) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.Commentable
Set a block comment above the section or value selected by path.
setComment(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
setDefaults(Configuration) - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.Configuration
Sets the source of all default values for this Configuration.
setDefaults(Configuration) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemoryConfiguration
setElementIndex(int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
setPriority(String, KeyTree.Node) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
setSeparator(char) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
setSideComment(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
setToChild(ConfigurationWrapper.SetToPath, String, Object) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationWrapper
sideComment - Variable in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
size() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
size() - Method in interface org.simpleyaml.configuration.ConfigurationSection
Gets the size of this configuration section.
size() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection
source() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Get the dumper source where values are read.
splitNewLines(String, int) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
splitTrailingNewLines(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
square(double) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
StringUtils - Class in org.simpleyaml.utils
StringUtils() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
stripCarriage(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
stripIndentation(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
stripPrefix(String, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
stripPrefix(String, String, String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
suffix(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
suffix(String, String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
suffixLast(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
suffixLast() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
suffixMultiline(String) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
suffixMultiline() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
SupplierIO<T extends Closeable> - Interface in org.simpleyaml.utils
IO Factory.
SupplierIO.InputStream - Interface in org.simpleyaml.utils
InputStream get()
Can be implemented as a lambda function. e.g.
SupplierIO.Reader - Interface in org.simpleyaml.utils
Reader get()
Can be implemented as a lambda function. e.g.


toByte(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
toDouble(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
toFloat(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
toInt(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
toLong(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
toShort(Object) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.NumberConversions
toString() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.format.CommentFormatterConfiguration
toString() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree.Node
toString() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.KeyTree
toString() - Method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.MemorySection


unregisterClass(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Unregisters the specified alias to a ConfigurationSerializable
unregisterClass(Class<? extends ConfigurationSerializable>) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.configuration.serialization.ConfigurationSerialization
Unregisters any aliases for the specified ConfigurationSerializable class


Validate - Class in org.simpleyaml.utils
This class assists in validating arguments.
Validate() - Constructor for class org.simpleyaml.utils.Validate
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.CommentType
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum org.simpleyaml.configuration.comments.CommentType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.


wrap(String) - Static method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.StringUtils
write(char[], int, int) - Method in class org.simpleyaml.utils.DumperBus
Append to line a portion of an array of characters.
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