
OSX Automation. Spoons library & Hammerspoon configuration. AutoClick, PasswordGenerator and more.


OSX Automation. Spoons library & Hammerspoon configuration. AutoClick, PasswordGenerator and more.


  1. Install Hammerspoon
  2. Click on the desired module (spoon) below to see additional documentation and download.

> AutoClick

Autoclicker tool, configurable with clicks per seconds.

> PasswordGenerator

Generate simple or strong passwords and copy them to clipboard.

> ReloadConfiguration

Adds a hotkey to reload the hammerspoon configuration, and a pathwatcher to automatically reload on changes.

> TextClipboardHistory

Keep a history of the clipboard, only for text entries.

> LineageAutoQuest

Lineage II Revolution Auto-Quest Bot (Nox App Player)

> MouseCircle

Draws a circle around the mouse pointer when a hotkey is pressed.

> Resources

Add a resource to https://carleslc.me/resources with the copied URL.


See init.lua for examples of Spoons configuration and keybindings.

Build documentation for Spoons

hammerspoon repository

python $GITHUB/hammerspoon/scripts/docs/bin/build_docs.py --validate --templates $GITHUB/hammerspoon/scripts/docs/templates/ --output_dir . --json --markdown --debug --standalone .